Christian Service Brigade (Battalion 555)
Christian Service Brigade is not a kid’s club. It’s a multi-year discipleship program designed to give a boy everything he needs to be a man of God. He’ll learn real world skills as well as spiritual ones that he can apply throughout is entire life.
Boys are divided into age groups: Tree Climbers (Kindergarten – 2nd grade), Stockade (3rd-6th grades), and Battalion (7th-12th grades).
Learn More“For every physical lesson, there is a parallel spiritual truth.”

Forcey Christian School
FCS seeks to educate students to reach their full potential spiritually, academically, cognitively, physically, socially and emotionally; who pursue an enduring intimacy with Jesus Christ, and engage believers and non-believers in their lifelong journey for His glory. That’s our vision.
The mission of Forcey Christian School is to provide sound, excellent, biblically-based education to the children of our church and community in a Christ-centered school environment where they learn under born-again, professional teachers in rigorous academic programs that will develop them into highly capable students, imbued with the disciplines of Christian life and Christ-like character for the benefit of society. (Rom. 12:1-2, Matt 28: 18-20, Eph. 4: 1-16)
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Forcey Day Camp
Forcey Day Camp has been running for over 40 years, and in that time we have grown to help support not only the community of Forcey Bible Church but also the community surrounding Forcey Bible Church.
We are a gospel centered, activities based day camp. We service children who have completed kindergarten up to those who have completed 6th grade. We go on weekly field trips, twice weekly pool outings, and have plenty going on around camp on a daily basis.
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MDO Program
MDO at Forcey is a program for 2 and 3 year old’s, designed to give parents time off and children a small taste of Christ-centered preschool. Our teachers are loving, Christian women who have a heart for children. MDO offers playtime, snack, Bible stories, singing, and craft time for your child.
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Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)
MOPS is designed for all mothers of preschool age children from birth to 5 years.
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Orphan Ministry
Throughout Scripture, God makes His heart for the fatherless abundantly clear, and as Christians, He has modeled His care by adopting us into His family. For the Least of These Orphan Ministry believes that caring for the fatherless and adoption are at the very heart of God, and while all Christians are not called to adopt, we are all called by God, in varying ways, to give justice to the poor and the orphan (Psalm 82:3), and to care for orphans in their distress (James 1:27).
God has uniquely called and equipped the Church to care for orphans and vulnerable children, and when Christians choose to adopt, foster, or support orphans around the globe, it reveals God’s true character to the world like nothing else we can do. Forcey’s Orphan Ministry exists to help us together, in ways big and small, to practice “pure religion,” by following God’s heart to serve “the least of these.”
Orphan Sunday Projects