June 26, 2020 | Mary Jane Barrow

Global Partner Care – This past year we have been able to care for several of our partners who have had financial crises and special needs, including the Rast family when wife/mother, Cindy, died of a brain tumor, and Joy Carrera, who is in the U.S. getting treatment for a rare cancer.  We would like to continue to have funds available when crises and special needs arise.


Christian Leaders' Training College of Papua New Guinea ...CLTC – The Christian Leaders Training Center in Papua New Guinea is struggling financially due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic shutdowns.  Students are struggling to pay their portion of tuition, supporting churches have cut back on their donations, and the farm they manage for income has also had a severe financial setback.  Forcey missionary and teacher at CLTC, Patrick Hall, has asked if we could help.  CLTC trains national pastors from all over Papua New Guinea (which has 312 different tribes).

You can read their latest newsletter here.


Nepal Seminary – Our friends in Nepal have suggested that we help support Nepali/Asian pastors at the Himalayan School of Theology by supplying a computer, printer, projector, and chairs.  Since the Covid-19 shutdown, many more pastors have been able to take classes online.


Congo (DRC) School Sponsorship – The Ngbaka people, a large tribe of 1 ½ million in the Congo, only have access to schooling in another language.  Most village children, especially girls, drop out of school before 4th grade. The evangelical church has been given permission to use a Bible based curriculum in their own Ngbaka language in public elementary classes, but there is a cost for printing books, teacher training, and school supervision.  So far 50 classes have started using this curriculum.  This year, they would like to start 50 more schools (out of 700 schools in the Ngbaka region).  Ken Wesche, trustee at FBC, used to work with the Ngbaka people before he came to Forcey.  One of his former missionary colleagues is actively working to begin this program in as many schools as possible.  The cost is $400 per school.  You may donate through our conference offering, or sponsor a whole school on your own.

For detailed information click here.


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| Mary Jane Barrow