Give Now

As followers of Christ, we are called to cheerful giving.
We give because we believe that Jesus is radically generous. 

All through the Bible, God praises faithfulness to him. God has made it clear that one of the important things to Him is being faithful with our “first fruits” – the first portion of whatever we’ve earned. At Forcey we are all about challenging you to grow your heart, to become more like Christ and learn to be faithful in this area. Our giving is motivated by the belief that Jesus is radically generous.

Our lives are very hectic. So to simplify many of us pay our bills online or automatically from our bank accounts. We prioritize and automate what is important and that brings peace of mind. This idea applies to giving too.

We’ve set up our website so you can create a profile and set up regular, recurring contributions. Online giving is safe, secure and simple. It’s a great way to be intentional about honoring God and being generous. Many of you give when we pass the offering plates during our services, and that’s great. But there are many times when you aren’t able to be in church. I want to encourage you to automate your giving, because it’s important even when you aren’t here.

God is doing great things at Forcey. I believe He is calling us to do even greater things as a church! God provides all the resources needed to accomplish his work here on earth through the faithful giving of his people. Would you consider taking two minutes to set up a regular donation at  so that more people all over this region & the world can experience new life in Christ? We are asking you to do this not because we want or need your money, but because Jesus said, “Where our money goes, our heart follows” (Matthew 6:21).  And, we’re praying for more of your heart to be captured by God’s Kingdom.

Thanks for your faithfulness. We can’t wait to see what God does next.

Give Now

2023 Loan Pay Down Commitment

Forcey Bible Church is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Donations are tax deductible, to the extent allowed by law.